Selecting the appropriate hair appointment has become more complex process than it once was. But don't stress because we have curated some fantastic tips to help guide you in making an informed decision when scheduling your next appointment.
While a Hair Consultation appointment remains the optimal choice, these tips are here to assist you, whether you seek a significant transformation or wish to maintain your current style.
What Service Should You Book
Going Lighter
There are endless options to going lighter. And it can be confusing to know what type of appointment to book to achieve the look you want.
Things to consider:
1. Is your hair already coloured or virgin*?
- Coloured has more restrictions than Virgin hair
2. How many levels* lighter do you want to be?
- more than 3 levels and you will need to book a full lightening
3. Do you want dimension?
- If yes, you would likely need to book a lightening service over a colour service
4. How often do you want to revisit the salon to refresh this colour?
- Solid colours and more than 3 levels lighter means you will be in the salon every 4-8 weeks for maintainace
On virgin hair this colour can be achieved as a Single Colour if your hair is light brown or dark blonde. If you have been doing this, you can continue with a Root Refresh
This client comes in every 3 months to refresh their highlights. We can go a little lighter or a little darker with the partial lightening service.
This is a heavily highlighted blonde. Typically a client would maintain this blonde with a Full Lightening alternating with a Partial Lightening every 2-3 months.
On virgin hair this colour can be achieved as a Single Colour if your hair is light brown or dark blonde. If you have been doing this, you can continue with a Root Refresh
Going Darker
Going darker is always easier. That being said, it still may not be as simple as a single colour.
Things to consider:
1.. How many levels* darker do you want to go?
- More than 3 levels darker and we will need to fill* first. Book a Full Lightening and add a note about going darker.
2. How often do you want to revist the salon to refresh this colour
- Solid colours and more than 3 levels darker means you will be in the salon every 4-8 weeks for maintainace
This is a solid colour service. Though there were sections of more than 1 colour, it was achieved without the use of foils or any other product to separate. Typically this service would be booked every 6-12 weeks (depending on how much white hair coverage there is).
A single tone colour in the reds + coppers family would fall under a Single Colour service. Depending on how dark your natural colour is you may need to pre lighten your hair. We recommend a Hair Consultation
For this client we do a combination of foils with colour in it and and all over colour. It's a 2 step process that will take a bit more time and will require alternating apointments with a Root Refresh in between. Book this appointment every 2-4 months and a Root Refresh every 4-8 weeks (depending on your white hair coverage needs)
This is a solid colour service. Though there were sections of more than 1 colour, it was achieved without the use of foils or any other product to separate. Typically this service would be booked every 6-12 weeks (depending on how much white hair coverage there is).
Going Shorter
Let's start with, this is almost as big of a descion as colouring your hair. Once we cut your hair shorter, we can't put it back and you will have to wait for it to grow.
Things to Consider:
1. Are you going shorter than more than 4inches?
- That is a big change, book a 75min Haircut
2. Are you changing your look?​
- Changing your look requires a deeper consultation
This is a great option for one length buzz cuts, quick trims off the length and thinning in between cuts. Maintenance is 4-6 weeks.
Regular maintenance of a cut like this would be 45mins. However if it's more than 3inches of growth or the initial cut, you will want to book a longer appointment, such as 60minutes or 75minutes Haircut. Maintenance is 6-10 weeks.
Yes this is a short cut, however it is a stylized cut and the hair on this client is of average density. It will require the full hour to cut. Maintenance would be 6-10 weeks.
This is a great option for one length buzz cuts, quick trims off the length and thinning in between cuts. Maintenance is 4-6 weeks.
Growing Your Hair Out
Whether you are growing out a cut or colour, we can still make a plan to feel great along the way.
Here are our recommendations:
Going back to your natural hair colour
- you will want to book either a gloss or a single colour at least 3 more times after the initial service
Growing your hair longer
- continue to get trims every 4 months (3months for fine hair)
- if your hair was above your ears, book a 30min dry cut or 45 minute haircut every 2-3 months to clean up the neck line and grow the top
Grey Blending
Let's start with, this is almost as big of a decision as colouring your hair. It can be low maintenance or a high maintenance. But that's going to depend on how much white hair you have and how much coverage you want.
Things to Consider:
1. Are you looking for complete coverage or blended?
- If you are okay seeing some white hairs mixed with your colour then your maintenance schedule may be able to be spread out.
2. How much white(grey) hair do you have?
- The more white hair you have will determine what type of options you can and cannot do​
If you are booking a maintenance service, it's likely you already know what to book. However theses are a few more points to consider:
1. If you usually do foils then you will book a Partial Lightening
If you don't usually do foils then you would book a Root Refresh.
They are different services from each other and take a very different amount of time.
2. Are you keeping the same haircut? It's likely you can book a 60 minute Haircut, the exception here is if your hair is very thick/ long and would take longer to dry/ style, then you should book at 75mintue Haircut.
3. When was the last time you had your hair done? If it has been longer than 3 months, you'll want to book the longer option (75min Haircut, Single Colour, Full Lightening)
Virgin Hair: hair that has never been coloured. Even if you put a rinse on it 2 years ago, your ends are still coloured.
Levels of Hair Colour: simply put, black hair is 1, medium brown hair is 5 and bright blonde is 10. 1-3 levels of change is a achievable level of change in most situations more than that and you will want to book a consultation or Full Lightening.
Dimension: this is when you can see different tones in the hair vs an overall single tone.